What is Co-Location
Co-location is a form of mixed-use development that centers civic uses around residential uses.
Why Co-Location
The development of sustainable cities requires governments to address poverty. The conflict presented by Scott Campbell that, “poor urban communities are often forced to make the no-win choice between economic survival and environmental quality” (Campbell, 1996) demonstrates the problem that low-income communities cannot effectively address climate change, because of limited resources that go towards the survival of residents. Co-location can be a tool in implementing affordable housing, in order to address climate change through the lens of poverty.
Why Libraries?
Public libraries are constantly adapting to the evolving needs of the communities they serve. In the 2014 article, “There and Back Again: Reimagining the Public Library for the Twenty-First Century”, authors Mary Carroll and Sue Reynolds discuss the future of public libraries from a historical lens. They suggest moving toward “approaches that examine and address the nature and needs of individual libraries and their communities. Once again libraries are becoming of and for the community” (Carroll & Reynolds, 2014).
Public libraries like many institutions have several roles to play in creating a more sustainable future. They hold enormous potential in creating a sense of community, expanding access to information, and providing a wide variety of community services.
Integrating affordable housing into these spaces could increase the outreach of these benefits to citizens who need them the most. As well as provide a safe, inclusive, and affordable place to live.